Janine Maila

Apocalypse Carousel

It just rolled off my back Into the belly, it snapped At last A path is forged The sword, adorned To slice through The thick stew of voodoo On this apocalypse carousel. Knotted dreams Broken seams Stitching a patch over a holy gap. Gaping mouth Teeth pulled out Saliva dripping into newfound stitching Licking the …

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When I fall

Spitting fire at your castle walls The dragon unleashed, justice calls Stronger than peace Beauty or the beast Trapped in your fortress of reason True to a story but to the heart it`s treason Two whole seasons Waiting for happily ever after Through chaos and disaster Moments of rapture Trying to capture The unattainable fantasy …

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Broken open

searching left right up down in out above below for that place where all directions converge where i can lay, broken open wounded healed whole holy in my raw mess a place where i can peel off my skin and lay in my bare bones live flesh holy in this raw mess a place where …

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To be born

Something wants to be born I can feel it churning, yearning, tossing and turning Incubating, gestating, waiting… For what?  For the water to break? For the earth to shake? For my skin to dissolve leaving only bones bare bones upon the moist earth to be chewed and gnawed and composted so that I can be …

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Take a look around Concrete jungle abound Hear the sounds of the birds, the bees Screaming out- please please Remember who you are Honour the scar Sanctify the wounds You are the star Standing alone in a room See the mirrors that reflect The space inside for you to connect Your heart with the higher …

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Inspiration L’information communiqué par nos sens Une communion avec l’Essence Dans l’espace Infini Je suis Dans mes oreilles Qui bourdonnent comme une abeille Se nourrissant de la fleur J’apprends de ma peur Qui s’exprime par l’intensification des battements de mon Coeur Dans mes oreilles J’écoute, j’entend, je comprends Que la voix me parle toujours À …

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Inner Alchemy

Witnessing sunset on this glorious evening Attempting to transmit this transcendent feeling My heart rejoices with the laughter of a child Calling my soul straight home to the wild In the freedom of being, The Truth can emerge Like a moment of perfection, Where two rivers converge Into the sea, a source of inspiration The …

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Medicine Prayer

This tender body holds me close Offering itself as protection, Offering itself as a vehicle for Earth Mother’s connection I surrender and receive her love in every cell of my being, And allow her to rock me deep into the star-filled night. Her medicine is deep, tender, soft, but sharp. Cutting through the veils of …

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